Adult Classes

Give Yourself the benefits of a Martial Art with our programme designed especially for Adults!

    Do you want to improve flexibility and strength so you feel younger?

    Do you want to have an improved outlook on life to recognize the possibilities rather than the problems?

    Do you want to have discipline and focus so you will be able resist distractions and complete your daily tasks?

    Do you want to improve your concentration and be able to work smarter and not harder?

    Is stress a problem in your daily life?

    Do you want peace of mind knowing you can defend yourself or your loved ones?

    Do you want strong leadership skills and to communicate more effectively to your peers, your boss, and your family?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you need the benefits of the Multi style Martial Arts Academy! Try our program out SPECIAL! Offer

Self Protection skills

    We all know that we live in a world that is potentially dangerous. Sometimes it can be frightening, even for grown adults. Although we can not guarantee a life free of confrontation for ourselves or our loved ones, we can be prepared.

    No one wants a fire in their home, but to be safe, we have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. No rational person wants to be in a violent confrontation. Martial arts teaches you how to recognize and handle potentially dangerous situations.

    Martial arts instruction combines self-defense with respect and self-control so proper use of skills is developed.

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    The benefits you develop in your martial arts training will last long after your last kick and punch!

    The self-esteem, discipline and self respect will develop a better attitude and will pay dividends for a lifetime. Martial arts is an investment in your future - from now through into retirement.

    Martial Arts will give you an edge that others in your peer group may not have.

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How do you handle stress, tension and modern sedentary living?

    The benefits of martial arts training can be realized daily. According to most surveys, tension, stress, stamina and weight loss rank among the top concerns of men and women today. With proper martial arts instruction you can see and feel the difference.

    Try our program out SPECIAL! Offer

Enthusiasm for life

    Are you looking for a new sense of enthusiasm ? The excitement generated through martial arts begins to build your self-esteem and your confidence almost immediately.

Improve your coordination

    Research has proven that less than three out of ten people have a less than average sense of coordination. Even professional athletes can improve their skills through martial arts. Body balance and coordination is significantly improved through martial arts training.

Get in shape! Stay in shape!

    Anyone can get in shape, right? But can they STAY in shape? The answer is YES! Self-discipline is a character trait that is learned and developed. It doesn't happen overnight - but it does happen! Since Martial Arts is fun, you won't even think about getting in shape! Our adult program is exercise, fun and self-defense wrapped into one activity.

Mental awareness

    The brain is like a muscle. It needs exercise to keep it alert and in shape. A proper martial arts program stimulates brain tissue creating 'muscle memory.' Sometimes 'muscle memory' is taken for granted. Your brain has the ability to coordinate both physical and mental functions within a fraction of a second. Martial arts training increases your mental awareness.


    Martial arts trains you to become more flexible. You will soon enjoy doing many things that you did in your youth! Even men and women in their senior years can feel twenty years younger. You might even amaze yourself with your renewed ability to stretch and move.

Leadership skills

    Martial arts training develops strong leadership skills and a mature way of thinking. With an improvement in personal conduct, and strong character traits. These are the basis for excellence in leadership ability.

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